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© 2014-2025 Lewis Williams


Chandy lions

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Babycham has its fawn mascot, Dulux paint has its Old English Sheepdog, Andrex has its puppy and Chandy had its lion. It's not obvious to us why the Chandy brand mascot should be a lion, but they used it pretty much everywhere apart from on bottles or cans.


Chandy lion figurines were produced in two sizes.

The large figurines stand about seven and a half inches tall and were made in Great Britain by Harry E Tunnicliffe Ltd, London W.C.2. in finest plastic or "mica" as it is marked on the base. Now long since defunct, Harry E. Tunnicliffe Ltd were specialists in pubware also making products such as eponymous figurines for White Horse and Johnnie Walker whiskies.


The smaller figurines are actually bottle toppers designed to be displayed on top of bottles of Chandy. We like to think of them as baby Chandy lions. We have quite a few of them as the pictures in the gallery above show! (Click on any of the images to see the full picture.)

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