'Make my shandy Chandy' / 'For shandy say Chandy'
We believe this campaign was the last hurrah for Chandy advertising, before the brand disappeared in the mid-1970s. The campaign replaced the colour of orange associated with Chandy in most previous promotions with black, red and yellow and adopted the twin slogans of “for shandy say Chandy” and “make my shandy Chandy”.
“For shandy say Chandy” appeared on beer mats and stickers, whilst “make my shandy Chandy” appeared on ash trays and bar towels.
Why two slogans when one would have done? We'll probably never know, but Chandy was after all never short of different slogans. We’ve found examples of all of the following being used at the same or different times:
The Thirst Quencher
Any Day Anywhere
It's Heavenly Try Some
The Original and Genuine
The Original Chandy
Drink Chandy
Choose Chandy
Chandy - a Drink for All Ages
Chandy Britain's Own Wonder Refresher
The Finest Thirst Quencher
The Finest Thirst Quencher in Any Bottle
The Finest Thirst Quencher in Any Can
The Finest Thirst Quencher in Any Bottle or Can
The Safe Drink for Thirsty Drivers
The Drink for Thirsty Drivers
Chandy Cheers
Cheers for Chandy
One ... for the Road!
Drunk ... Often!
Thirst ... Quenched!
The Family Drink – All the Family Drink
Don't Take a Chance - Take a Chandy
Drink Chandy Drive
Ch Ch Chandy - The Thirst Two Letters Are Important
The Handy Shandy
... and finally
For Shandy Say Chandy, and
Make My Shandy Chandy
© 2014-2025 Lewis Williams