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This was an event held on 18-19th October 1969 at Elvington airfield near York and sponsored by Chandy.  We found a scan of this online as pictured on the left (click on the image to see it full size). We’d love to acquire an original copy.

This event was held on 2nd-3rd October 1971 at Elvington airfield and sponsored by Chandy. We found a scan of the programme’s front cover online (click on the image to see it full size).

Beer mat promoting the 1964 Arbroath Air Day

This event was held on 23rd–24th July 1965 and included the Scottish International Parachute Championships sponsored by Chandy. We found a scan of the programme’s front cover online (click on the image to see it full size).

This event was held on 26th September 1964 and included the Scottish Parachute Championships sponsored by Chandy (click on the image to see it full size).

Beer mat promoting the 1966 Arbroath Air Day

This event was held on 23rd July 1966 and included the Scottish International Parachute Championships sponsored by Chandy (click on the image to see it full size).

Beer mat promoting the 1968 H.M.S. Condor Air Day

This event was held on 20th July 1968 and included the Scottish International Parachute Championships sponsored by Chandy (click on the image to see it full size).

A Chandy wind sock!!


Another very long shot in terms of the wants list, but there was at least one Chandy wind sock made to accompany Chandy’s sponsorship of parachuting as this 1968 photo printed in Sport Parachutist attests!


Our wants list - PART 2

This is part two of our list of Chandy items we know exist (or have existed), but which we don't have. This part of the list covers items related to Chandy sponsorship. We'd love to hear from you if you can help us acquire any of these items. Contact us 


Flyer for the 1969 World Records Weekend

Programme for the 1971 World Speed Records Weekend


Issues of Sports Parachutist with Chandy adverts and/or articles covering the Chandy Trophy


A giant Chandy bottle!

OK, like the Part 1 list, we know this list is getting more and more unlikely towards the end, but we do know at least one giant model of a Chandy bottle once existed from this vintage picture of the Fleet Air Arm field gun crew who were at one point amongst Chandy’s sponsorship interests.

Programme for the 1965 Arbroath Air Day

We have Sports Parachutist Vol.1 No.1 which includes a Chandy advert, but we are still particularly looking for the following issues, which we know from online scans have articles about the Chandy Trophy/Scottish International Parachute Championships: Vol.1 No.3 (1964), Vol.2 No.3 (1965), Vol.3 No.3 (1966) and Vol.5 No.2 (1968).

British Association for International Moth Racing Yearbooks with Chandy adverts

We know from online scans that the British Association for International Moth Racing Yearbooks for 1965-66 and 1966-67 each contained different Chandy adverts.


© 2014-2025 Lewis Williams

Part 1 of our wants list 'Standard promotional and packaging items' - is here

Part 2 of the list 'Sponsorship related items' - is this page

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